Crime Fiction Friday: “Miscellany” by Eryk Pruitt


  • Introduction by Scott Montgomery

I recently participated in a Noir At The Bar event in Dallas hosted by Eryk Pruitt. Eryk also performed a reading that night that had everyone on the floor. when I told him I wanted to feature one of his stories on Crime Fiction Friday, he suggested this piece about cracker barrel conversation and crime that originally appeared in Plan B magazine.

“Miscellany” by Eryk Pruitt

“There’s a filling station just south of Durham, North Carolina, that raised a ruckus a while back because the owner refused to take down a Confederate flag he’d hoisted above the building. Imagine how folks from miles around flocked to see what would happen when the National Guard came out to tell him to take it down. How for years and years after, old timers would bend your ear with the details of the Klan, the protests. The cheers and jeers.”

Read the rest of the story. 

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