3 Picks From Chris

Seduction of the Innocent by Max Allan Collins

Collins’ latest for Hard Case Crime takes the real-life 1950s witch-hunt for Tales From The Crypt publisher EC Comics and spins a noir yarn that harkens back to golden ages of crime fiction and comic books. The great thing about Seduction of the Innocent (other than the great story) is the accompanying artwork done in classic EC Comics style. A must read for crime and comic fans alike.

The Mystic Arts of Erasing All Signs of Death
by Charlie Huston

Long-time genre favorite Charlie Huston has one of the most unique writing styles in modern crime fiction. While he may ignore some grammar rules, his dialogue and characterization are some of the best in the game. In The Mystic Arts… Huston tells the tale of Webster Goodhue, a guy so down on his luck that he takes a job as a crime scene cleanup technician. What happens next is both hilarious and heartbreaking. One of the most fun books I have ever read.

The City & The City by China Mieville

For many of you the name China Mieville might not mean much, but for Sci Fi and fantasy loyalists it is a name synonymous with unending imagination and literary grace. You’re probably asking yourself why I am including a Sci Fi/fantasy author on the MysteryPeople blog, but I promise you this little gem of a book fits the profile of great noir. Set between the fictional cities of Beszel and Ul Qoma, The City & The City is a police procedural that’s anything but ordinary. I don’t want to give away too much, so just trust me on this one and grab a copy.

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